What are Wraparound Services?
Wraparound services are used when youth and families are involved with many systems/agencies within the community. An ongoing community team meets regularly and is made up of collaborative human service agencies. The community team is established to review referrals, which are welcomed both from community mental health providers and/or other community providers, and to collaborate so everyone is on the “same page” working toward meeting a family’s goals/needs. Wraparound services are provided to children/adolescents and their families through a highly individualized planning process facilitated by specialized supports coordinators who establish a personalized Child and Family Team for each individual.
Who is on the Child and Family Team and what do they do?
The Child and Family Team is made up of people chosen by the family whom they feel assist with supporting them in their goals and together they create a Wraparound Plan. The Child and Family Team may include professionals from many agencies as well as natural supports. The Wraparound Plan includes family goals and identifies what part everyone will play in supporting the family so there is no duplication, and no gap in services.