Residential Settings


Northpointe’s Licensed Adult Foster Care Homes (AFC)

Belgium Pointe


230 Belgium Town Rd

Norway, MI 49870

Phone Number:


Visitation Scheduling:

Click to Book Visit

Click to Schedule 

Boyington Place


115 W Boyington Street

Iron River, MI 49935

Phone Number:


Visitation Scheduling:

Click to Book Visit

Click to Schedule 

The Pines


165 North Pyle Drive

Kingsford, MI 49802

Phone Number:


Visitation Scheduling:

Click to Book Visit

Click to Schedule 

Residential Visiting Requirements

  1. Visitation shall occur when the following criteria are met:
    1. There have been no new COVID-19 cases that originated in the home, including those involving residents or employees, within the prior 14 days and the home is not currently conducting outbreak testing.
    2. The local health department or Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has not prohibited visitation at the home.
    3. Rapid testing of all visitors over 13 years of age or evidence of a negative test performed within 72 hours of the visit is recommended.
  2. Northpointe shall follow these strict guidelines to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19:
    1. Visits must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance during the designated times with a one (1) hour time limit per visit.
    2. Only one (1) resident may have a visit at a given time (maximum of two visitors) to ensure adequate physical distancing and privacy can be maintained.
    3. Recommended that all visitors over the age of 13 have a negative rapid antigen test prior to entering the home.
    4. Visitors shall be required to wear a well-fit face covering or mask for the duration of the visit.
    5. Visitors shall use a designated entrance that allow proper COVID-19 screening prior to entering the home and those who do not meet evaluation criteria may not visit. Anyone with fever, symptoms, or known COVID-19 exposure may not enter the home.
    6. Each visitor must log his/her arrival and departure time, provide contact information, and attest, in writing, that they will notify the Home Manager if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days after visiting.
    7. Visitors who are unwilling or unable to wear a face mask for the duration of their visit or follow hand hygiene requirements shall not be permitted to visit and instead encouraged to use video or other forms of remote visitation.
    8. Visitors will not be restricted to the designated visiting area to decrease movement within the home to reduce the risk of infection.
    9. Visitors shall follow physical distancing requirements and refrain from any physical contact with residents and employees during indoor and outdoor visits.
    10. Alternative means of visiting such as through the window, video, or phone shall be offered for those who do not wish to schedule a face-to-face visit.

      Source Documents

      Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

      Emergency Order for Residential Care Facilities

      Northpointe’s Procedures

      COVID-19 Residential Infection Prevention

      COVID-19 Residential Visitation Procedure

Scheduling Instructions